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The Unofficial Form1 wiki

Page history last edited by Korben Dallas 10 years, 7 months ago Saved with comment

This wiki is maintained by Form1 owners for Form1 owners - it is not sponsored or approved by Formlabs.

All information here is used at your own risk, and may even void your warranty.



Setup and Calibration - Unbox and prepare your printer for accurate prints.


PreForm Tips, Tricks, and Version History  - How to get the best results.


Printing tips - Manual support structures for more stable prints without peel lines, etc.

Resins - What's available, our experiences with them, and details from the manufacturers.


Inside the Form1 - Various pictures of components: laser, galvanometers, stepper motors, etc.


Troubleshooting - Diagnose your problem and match it against known issues,  then look at fixes and workarounds.


Replacement Components - Galvanometers, Laser, Mirrors, Stepper Motors, re-coating the Vat's silicone - what you need, and where to source it from.


Modifications - Improve your Form1.


Wiki Policy - Etiquette, practical constraints, permissions etc.


About the contributors - Who the wiki writers are and what they do with their Form1's.


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