
PreForm Tips, Tricks, and Version History

Page history last edited by Korben Dallas 10 years, 7 months ago Saved with comment

Laser Spot Test

Preform has a "diagnostic" mode which can be accessed by adding  -diagnostic as a command line parameter, either running it from the command window, or by adding it into windows shortcut properties. This adds an extra menu to preform 


Old Preform Versions

Older versions of the Preform Software (if you want to play with the old supports, precise support controls or for any other reason)


May 15, 2013
Initial public release
0.8.1 rc7 N/A
1.1c June 3, 2013
Laser pathing optimization
0.8.2 N/A   July 10, 2013 Improved graphics performance
0.8.3 preview 2
1.2c August 6, 2013 Print-time estimator
0.8.3 preview 3 N/A
1.2c August 15, 2013 -
0.8.4 preview 3
0.8.4 preview 4 1.2c
August 20, 2013
Automatic mesh repair
0.9.0 preview 4
0.9.0 preview 6
September 19, 2013
Improved support structures preview 1 preview 1 1.2c
October 7, 2013
0.9.1 preview 1 0.9.1 preview 1 1.2c November 4, 2013 Undisclosed updates
0.9.2 preview 2
0.9.2 preview 2 1.2c
November 15, 2013
Pause for tank refills preview 1 preview 1
December 10, 2013
1.0.0 preview 2
1.0.0 preview 2 1.2c
January 7, 2014
Printed-base quick release tabs
  1.0.1 preview 2 1.2c January 18, 2014 -
1.1 r4 1.1 r3 1.3c January 23, 2014 Platform orientation indicators
1.2 r3 1.2 r3 1.3c February 18, 2014 Slice Tool update
1.2.1 1.2.1 r1 1.3c February 20, 2014 -
1.3 r3 1.3 r3 1.3c March 19, 2014 UI improvements
1.4 r8 1.4 r6 1.3e May 1, 2014 Improved Peel
1.4.1 r2 1.4.1 r2 1.3f May 22, 2014 Reliable, Accurate Prints
1.4.1 r3 1.4.1 r3 1.3f May 22, 2014 -


Comments (7)

Dylan Jackson said

at 4:32 pm on Jan 24, 2014

So I have all of the PreForm's from 0.8.0 onward. I uploaded that one and saw MongerDesigns uploaded a couple of others. Do we want them all, or just the milestone changes?

kevin holmes said

at 4:51 pm on Jan 24, 2014

we only have 2GB of storage on this wiki - so files that are megabytes in size will quickly take us over the limit. David created that page and I've asked him to move the files to external hosts and replace them with links. I'll download MD's versions now put them on google drive and put the links on this page.

kevin holmes said

at 5:09 pm on Jan 24, 2014

sorry - that's a yes, might as well if you have time and an external host for the files

MongerDesigns said

at 10:51 am on Jan 25, 2014

Sorry about that Kevin. Forgot about the storage limit.

Etienne Renaud said

at 3:53 pm on Jan 31, 2014

If still needed, we have a lot (!!) of webspace available, both on servers in the US and Germany - I can offer to place all current and previous versions on that webspace!

I also vote for having all the versions available for download (there aren't that many currently).

Korben Dallas said

at 5:20 pm on Feb 25, 2014

The 0.8.3 version is an incomplete file upload. Can someone provide a full version?

Please provide any other available versions.

MongerDesigns said

at 12:48 pm on Mar 5, 2014

It would be nice if we could add some notes regarding each version, for example which version added what feature, or which version introduced new problems, etc.

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